There’s just days to go until broadcaster and social media star Doireann Garrihy takes the reins on 2FM’s new Breakfast Show alongside Eoghan McDermott (May 31st). Doireann is no stranger to the airwaves with a very credible radio CV that includes Spin’s Zoo Crew and her first National broadcast on Today FM earlier this year (Boat missed there peeps!)
If you follow Doireann on her social media channels, you’ll probably feel like you know her already. I don’t know what my closest pals had for breakfast… but I DO know that Doireann lives with her sister and soon-to-be brother in law… and her dog is called Bobby. Not forgetting that U2’s Beautiful Day is one of her fav “tzunes”. Juicy stuff eh?!
So who came first? The radio or the social media star? Who are the original influencers?

Research published this year by the European Commission shows that radio is the most trusted medium in Ireland with 68% of Irish people trusting radio ahead of TV (62%), press (47%) and social media (25%).
So if radio is the most trusted medium, that surely means that the on-air personalities are driving this trust?
Social media users see ‘Influencers’ sort of like friends. They let us into their lives; and we let them influence what brands we buy. Marketing genius! The research suggests however (… and not to take from Pippa, James, Vogue – I too love my fix of #OOTD and #GIFT posts) that Radio Presenters have more clout than marketers give them credit for. (Radio trusted by 68% of people v social media trust at just 25%)
So it appears that people have a more authentic ‘friendship’ with radio personalities. Listeners believe what they hear when it comes to familiar voices.
Great news! It’s a mammoth sentiment that good radio is built on.
National and International brands are investing huge sums of money in social media influencers. Who can blame them looking at these sorts of figures???

… but who’s pulling in the biggest chunk of followers?
Joe Duffy: 375,000
Tubridy: 338,000
Ian Dempsey: 181,000
Matt Cooper: 152,000
Tracy Clifford: 147,000
…and the personality out-doing Ireland’s #1 Influencer Pippa O’ Connor???

I reckon that makes Marian a pretty strong influencer! Looking at the fees that the top bloggers pull in for their #AD #SP services, spot rates and media fees for these radio shows suddenly don’t seem too pricey after all. Smart brands still take the hugely cost-effective route to reaching audiences; by using the original influencers to sell products.
One final thought. Although I’d absolutely consider booking a mini-break on the back of a Ray D’Arcy or Alison Curtis endorsement, younger radio listeners need more influencers on air who they can resonate with. Doireann Garrihy is one lady doing just that. I reckon this is the start of a new burst of young radio listeners…
Okay, I lied, HERE’S is my final thought… RADIO STATIONS OF IRELAND (yes, I’m shouting now!), collaborations are king. How about a little more James Patrice, Louise Cooney and Suzanne Jackson on the airwaves?? No matter what we say, this new wave of personalities are grabbing the attention of younger (and older) audiences. Make of them what you will; these people are perfecting the craft of presenting every day on their channels. Maybe there’s there’s something they could bring to yours.
Thanks for listening 😉