The Radio Room

What does your brand sound like?

"Why would you want your brand to look hot but sound... well, like someone hit the mute button?!"

To mark World Radio Day 2019 this Wednesday, we thought we’d do something a little different. We can’t really close our ears… so whether we realise it or not, we know the ‘sound’ of lots of our favourite brands without seeing a logo or even hearing its name. There’s one problem here though. There are not enough smart brands showcasing what their business sounds like! 

A study of International companies in 2018 showed that 86% of brands have visual guidelines. However just 17% have audio guidelines! Why would you want your brand to look hot but sound… well, like someone hit the mute button?!

We teamed up with our friends in SoundCrater to bring you a little something that re-enforces the power of Radio Advertising; and how important it is for a brand to have a ‘sound’ – not just a ‘look’. Click on the image below for a listen…

Happy International Radio Day you SOUND bunch!




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